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Hirsch Roberts Weinstein moves to the Cloud for reliable uptime and secure access

Cloud-based document management offers reliable service and the ability to work securely from anywhere

Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLP (HRW) is a premier litigation, labor, and employment law firm based in Boston and serving organizations throughout the New England region. In 2018, HRW was experiencing recurrent downtime issues with their legacy on-premises document management system. Based on the performance and stability described by iManage customer references, they selected iManage Work in the cloud as their new document management system. iManage met HRW’s needs for superior document management by offering improved performance, security, and ease of use from anywhere.

Hirsch Roberts Weinstein represents a variety of businesses and institutions, including Fortune 500 companies, prominent universities, esteemed nonprofit institutions, and cutting-edge high-tech companies. Their proactive approach starts with counseling, training, and education specifically tailored to help each client understand and comply with the labor and employment laws applicable to its industry and workplace.

The firm wanted to replace their document management system (DMS) with a solution that offered more reliable uptime and support, as well as better remote accessibility. iManage met HRW’s needs for superior document management—leading to improved performance, security, and ease of use from anywhere.

The business challenge

Frequent legacy system crashes disrupted firm productivity

HRW was experiencing recurrent issues with their on-premises legacy document management system. The indexer crashed frequently and support was difficult to get in contact with – sometimes taking days to weeks to get someone on the phone – and often failed to solve the problem. Keeping the solution up to date also proved challenging with an on-premises solution. Equally frustrating was that the on-premises legacy solution made it nearly impossible for anyone at the firm to work remotely, as the DMS functioned extremely slowly for anyone attempting to connect from outside the office.

The firm knew something needed to change. Erin D. Reed, Managing Director of HRW, took the lead in finding a new solution.

“We knew we wanted to move to the cloud to make it easier to work remotely, improve security, and have the most up-to-date version,” she said. Although the firm considered the cloud version of their legacy system, they found that the features weren’t as robust, and they would still suffer through the same poor support. HRW decided to look at new options.


Boston, US




iManage Work 10 in the Cloud


  • Stable system performance
  • Ease of working from anywhere
  • Advanced cloud security


iManage Work 10 in the Cloud has been a big improvement over our legacy system. The DMS is much more reliable and has made our lives easier. We’re glad we made the switch.

Erin D. Reed, Managing Director, Hirsch Roberts Weinstein

The solution

iManage offers a reliable cloud-based alternative

HRW spent a few weeks reviewing iManage and a competitor in their search for a new, cloud-based DMS. Customer references for the competitor were lukewarm, while iManage customers said that iManage had stable uptime and performance. After speaking with these references, iManage was the clear choice.

With their decision made, HRW began the migration process.

Their internal team met weekly with a third-party migration specialist who helped them structure the database and folders. HRW created a folder structure that gave users both a familiar setup and improved search capabilities.


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Business outcomes

iManage offers a reliable cloud-based alternative

HRW spent a few weeks reviewing iManage and a competitor in their search for a new, cloud-based DMS. Customer references for the competitor were lukewarm, while iManage customers said that iManage had stable uptime and performance. After speaking with these references, iManage was the clear choice.

With their decision made, HRW began the migration process.

Their internal team met weekly with a third-party migration specialist who helped them structure the database and folders. HRW created a folder structure that gave users both a familiar setup and improved search capabilities.

Looking ahead

In August of 2018, HRW felt like they were one of the first firms to make the change to the cloud. Since then, they’ve seen more and more companies follow suit.

“We have a partner at the firm who’s very tech savvy and helped to convince the rest of the firm’s leadership that the cloud is the future. Since we moved to the cloud, those who needed convincing have come to see that he was right,” said Erin D. Reed, Managing Director, HRW.

With iManage Cloud, HRW embraced change and found improved performance and flexibility that their on-premises system couldn’t offer.

“iManage Work 10 in the Cloud has been a big improvement over our legacy system,” said Erin D. Reed, Managing Director, HRW. “The DMS is much more reliable and has made our lives easier. We’re glad we made the switch.”

Making Knowledge Work

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